This page exists to provide a resource to those wishing to give their regular tithes and offerings, or those wishing to make a special donation to Gilead Friends Church. When you hit "Donate Now" you will be taken to a Paypal site where you can donate using a credit/debit card, or using a Paypal account.
One-Time Donation
Reoccurring Donation
Reoccurring Donation Instructions:
If you would like to donate $100 every 2 weeks for the next 3 months (a total of $600):
1. Select "2"
2. Select "Week(s)"
3. Select "6"
4. Enter "$100"
If you would like to donate $100 every 2 weeks for the next 3 months (a total of $600):
1. Select "2"
2. Select "Week(s)"
3. Select "6"
4. Enter "$100"