Daniel and His Friends Obeyed GodDear Parents,
Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. Over the next four weeks, we will take a look at the exile through the eyes of Daniel and his friends. Before the exile, prophets had warned God’s people to stop sinning, but the people did not listen. The nation of Judah was consumed by idol worship; the kings did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. So God kept His word—He allowed His people to be taken from their land. They became captives in the enemy nation of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, called for the best young men from Judah to be trained for service in the palace—among them, Daniel and his three friends. The boys were given new identities—new names, new education, new culture. They were indoctrinated to be good Babylonians. But Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah stayed faithful to the one true God and did not make themselves unclean by eating the king’s food. Daniel and his friends chose to obey God no matter what. God blessed Daniel and his friends. They were smarter than all the other young men in Babylon, and the king recognized their gifts. Daniel wasn't perfect, but he reminds us of someone who was. Jesus obeyed God perfectly and He always pleases God. We please God when we trust in Jesus. |
Daniel and His Friends Obeyed God
Daniel 1
Nebuchadnezzar (neb yoo kad NEZ uhr), the king of Babylon, went with his army to Jerusalem. At this time, Jehoiakim (jih HOY
uh kim), son of King Josiah, was the king of Judah. God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to take over the city. Nebuchadnezzar took things from God’s temple back to Babylon. He put them in the temple where he worshiped a false god.
King Nebuchadnezzar told the man in charge of his leaders to bring some of the people to Babylon too. He wanted boys who were healthy, handsome, and good learners. Nebuchadnezzar wanted the boys to serve in his palace. He wanted them to learn the Babylonian language.
Every day, King Nebuchadnezzar gave the boys a special diet. They ate the same food and drank the same drinks that the king ate and drank. The king planned to train the boys for three years before they became his servants.
Four of the boys who came from Judah were different than the others. They worshiped the Lord, the one true God. Their names were Daniel, Hananiah (han uh NIGH uh), Mishael (MISH eh uhl), and Azariah (az uh RIGH uh). The man in charge of the boys gave them new Babylonian names. Daniel’s new name was Belteshazzar (bel tih SHAZ uhr). Hananiah’s new name was Shadrach (SHAD rak). Mishael’s new name was Meshach (MEE shak), and Azariah’s new name was Abednego (uh BED-nih goh).
Even though they weren’t in Judah anymore, Daniel still wanted to obey God. God’s laws told Daniel what he could and could not eat. Daniel was not allowed to eat some of the food that the king gave the boys every day. Daniel asked the man in charge for permission to eat other foods, but the man in charge was afraid.
“If you don’t eat the king’s food, you will get thin. You won’t be strong like the other young men. The king might get angry with me and kill me!” he said.
Daniel said to the guard, “Try this for 10 days. Let us eat only vegetables, and let us drink only water. Then see if we are healthier than the other young men.”
The guard agreed to change their diet for 10 days. At the end of 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than the young men who had eaten the king’s food. After that, the guard allowed Daniel and his friends to keep drinking water and eating vegetables.
God was happy that Daniel obeyed Him. God blessed Daniel and
his friends. He made them wise and smart. They learned lots of new things. God gave Daniel the ability to understand visions and dreams. When their three years of training was over, Daniel and his friends stood before the king. The king talked to them and saw that they were smarter and stronger than all the other young men. They were even smarter than the wise men who worked for the king. Daniel stayed and served the king for many years.
Christ Connection: Daniel chose to obey God no matter what. God blessed Daniel and his friends. Daniel wasn’t perfect, but he reminds us of someone who was. Jesus obeyed God perfectly and He always pleases God. We please God when we trust in Jesus.
Daniel 1
Nebuchadnezzar (neb yoo kad NEZ uhr), the king of Babylon, went with his army to Jerusalem. At this time, Jehoiakim (jih HOY
uh kim), son of King Josiah, was the king of Judah. God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to take over the city. Nebuchadnezzar took things from God’s temple back to Babylon. He put them in the temple where he worshiped a false god.
King Nebuchadnezzar told the man in charge of his leaders to bring some of the people to Babylon too. He wanted boys who were healthy, handsome, and good learners. Nebuchadnezzar wanted the boys to serve in his palace. He wanted them to learn the Babylonian language.
Every day, King Nebuchadnezzar gave the boys a special diet. They ate the same food and drank the same drinks that the king ate and drank. The king planned to train the boys for three years before they became his servants.
Four of the boys who came from Judah were different than the others. They worshiped the Lord, the one true God. Their names were Daniel, Hananiah (han uh NIGH uh), Mishael (MISH eh uhl), and Azariah (az uh RIGH uh). The man in charge of the boys gave them new Babylonian names. Daniel’s new name was Belteshazzar (bel tih SHAZ uhr). Hananiah’s new name was Shadrach (SHAD rak). Mishael’s new name was Meshach (MEE shak), and Azariah’s new name was Abednego (uh BED-nih goh).
Even though they weren’t in Judah anymore, Daniel still wanted to obey God. God’s laws told Daniel what he could and could not eat. Daniel was not allowed to eat some of the food that the king gave the boys every day. Daniel asked the man in charge for permission to eat other foods, but the man in charge was afraid.
“If you don’t eat the king’s food, you will get thin. You won’t be strong like the other young men. The king might get angry with me and kill me!” he said.
Daniel said to the guard, “Try this for 10 days. Let us eat only vegetables, and let us drink only water. Then see if we are healthier than the other young men.”
The guard agreed to change their diet for 10 days. At the end of 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than the young men who had eaten the king’s food. After that, the guard allowed Daniel and his friends to keep drinking water and eating vegetables.
God was happy that Daniel obeyed Him. God blessed Daniel and
his friends. He made them wise and smart. They learned lots of new things. God gave Daniel the ability to understand visions and dreams. When their three years of training was over, Daniel and his friends stood before the king. The king talked to them and saw that they were smarter and stronger than all the other young men. They were even smarter than the wise men who worked for the king. Daniel stayed and served the king for many years.
Christ Connection: Daniel chose to obey God no matter what. God blessed Daniel and his friends. Daniel wasn’t perfect, but he reminds us of someone who was. Jesus obeyed God perfectly and He always pleases God. We please God when we trust in Jesus.