God Called IsaiahDear Parents,
Thank you for continuing this journey of The Gospel Project® for Kids. During the next four weeks, kids will learn about the prophet Isaiah and his message of the coming Messiah. Today’s Bible story focuses on Isaiah’s calling by God to prophesy to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. In the year King Uzziah of Judah died, Isaiah was worshiping God in the temple when he had a vision. Isaiah saw God sitting on a throne. God’s robe was long; its edges filled the temple. Seraphim—heavenly beings—stood above Him, each with six wings, calling out “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord!” The magnitude of God’s holiness made Isaiah realize the magnitude of his own sin. His response? “Woe is me!” A seraph touched Isaiah’s lips with a piece of coal, an outward sign of God removing Isaiah’s sin and preparing Isaiah for the next step. Isaiah would eagerly take God’s message of hope and the coming Messiah to the people. God extended His grace to Isaiah and took away Isaiah’s guilt. God passed over Isaiah’s sins because He was going to send Jesus to pay for them. In His death on the cross, Jesus paid for the sins—past, present, and future—of those who would trust in Him. When we trust in Jesus, God says to us, “Your guilt is taken away. Your sin is atoned for.” |
God Called Isaiah
Isaiah 6
Isaiah was a prophet. God had chosen Isaiah to take God’s message to His people. Isaiah had a special name. The name Isaiah means “The Lord saves.” God used Isaiah to tell His people a very important message. God’s message was this: God saves sinners.
God spoke through Isaiah. Isaiah had heard God’s voice, but Isaiah had never seen God. One day God gave Isaiah a very special experience. In the year that Uzziah, king of Judah, died, Isaiah was worshiping God in the temple when he had a vision. Isaiah saw God sitting on a throne. God’s robe was long; its edges lled the temple. Seraphim—heavenly beings—stood above Him, each with six wings. They called out: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord; His glory lls the whole earth.”
The foundations of the doorways shook at the sounds of their voices, and the temple lled with smoke. Isaiah saw that he was in the presence of God, and he said, “I am ruined! I am sinful; I am no better than anyone else. I don’t deserve to be in the presence of a great and holy God.”
Then one of the seraphim ew to Isaiah. He had in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. He touched Isaiah’s mouth and said, “Now that this has touched your lips, your wickedness is removed and your sin is wiped away.”
Then Isaiah heard God’s voice saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” God had an important message to share, and He wanted someone to tell God’s message to everyone.
Isaiah said, “Here am I! Send me.”
“Go,” God said.
God sent Isaiah to preach to the people. “The people will not listen to
My message,” God said. “You will preach to them, but they will ignore you. They will turn away from you. If they would just listen to Me, they would turn from their sin and be healed.”
“How long?” Isaiah asked. “How long should I preach to people who won’t listen to me? How long will they reject Your message and face judgment for it?”
God answered Isaiah. “Preach until the cities are destroyed and no
one lives in them. I am going to send the people far away.”
“Some of the people will return to the land,” God explained. God
was going to show grace to those people like He showed grace to Isaiah. The people God would bring back to Judah would be some of the only people left in Abraham’s family. God was going to keep His promise to Abraham through them. He would make their family big again, and they would be a blessing to all the nations.
Christ Connection: Isaiah saw God in a vision and he knew he didn’t deserve to be with God because God is holy. God forgave Isaiah’s sin. One day God would send His Son, Jesus, to pay for Isaiah’s sin. God forgives anyone who trusts in Jesus. When we trust in Jesus, we answer like Isaiah: “Here I am. Send me.”