Key Verse
The Rich Young Ruler
This week, we talked with kids about the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30). Jesus asked the ruler to leave all of His riches and follow Him, but the ruler loved his stuff more than he loved Jesus. How have you been able to reinforce this week that Jesus is better than any treasure on earth? Do you ever put other things over Jesus in your own life?
Jesus Was Anointed
This week, we talked about Mary anointing Jesus with oil from an alabaster jar (Matthew 26:5-13; Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8). Pouring the very expensive oil on Jesus was not a waste; it was worship. Talk with your kids about ways they can worship God this week. Emphasize that they can worship God any time. They might worship Him by working hard at a sports practice, through their good attitudes toward siblings, or by caring for others at school. What have your kids done this week as worship? Are there any great stories you can share?
Jesus Cleansed the Temple
This week we learned about Jesus cleansing the temple (Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 11:15-19; Luke 19:45-48). Jesus was angry when He found people misusing the temple by selling items unfairly. The temple was the place that people went to meet with God. When Jesus died on the cross as the final payment for sin, He removed the need to go to a temple to meet with God. Now, God’s Spirit lives in all those who love and trust Jesus. Ask kids how their lives would be different if they had to go to the temple to pray or meet with God, and post their answers below!
The Widow's Gift
In our Bible story this week, a poor widow gave the two copper coins to worship God (Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4). She made a huge sacrifice to worship Him! Jesus has given us the greatest gift. Jesus gave up everything He had in heaven to come to earth and save us from our sins. Jesus gave up His own life, dying on the cross in our place. When you know and love Jesus, you can serve Him as the Lord of your life and offer everything you have. Ask kids how they might worship God with their lives. What could they give, no matter how much or how little? Post their answers below!